Switzerland and Sri Lanka planning closer cooperation

Bern, 12.12.2017 - Switzerland and Sri Lanka are planning to work more closely together in the fight against international crime. To this end, a memorandum of understanding on international mutual assistance in criminal matters was signed today in Colombo.

intended to strengthen the partnership between Swtizerland and Sri Lanka in the fight against international crime. The memorandum does not create any new rights or obligations with regard to international mutual assistance in criminal matters, but it does introduce some key administrative and organisational changes to make this assistance more effective. In particular, in the future the central authorities of both states (in Switzerland's case the Federal Office of Justice) will be able to deal with each other directly and support each other in the drafting of requests for legal assistance. The appendix to the memorandum also includes model requests which satisfy the formal requirements of both states.

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Federal Office of Justice, T +41 58 462 48 48, media@bj.admin.ch


Federal Office of Justice

Last modification 11.06.2024

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