fedpol: on duty for Switzerland – all the time & everywhere

The world seems to be falling apart, with wars, polarisation, hatred, anti-Semitism, racism and climate change. fedpol operates in the midst of it all. Switzerland is not an island and, as a rich country in the heart of Western Europe, is not spared cross-border organised crime, economic and digital crime, violent extremism or terrorism. “The situation determines what has to be done” may seem a banality, but for fedpol it is the reality. So does the outlook get more bleak as the situation becomes clearer? The fedpol Annual Report 2023 allows us to peer into the abyss of serious crime in Switzerland.

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Flugzeug - Avion - Aereo - Plane

Passenger Name Records Act

Terrorists and other dangerous criminals operate around the globe, online, in networks and across borders. They regularly use airlines as a means of transport. The use of data on airline passengers, internationally known as passenger name records (PNRs), has already proven effective in other countries for fighting terrorism and other forms of serious crime. If Switzerland is to be able to use this efficient instrument, it needs to enact the required legislation. From April 13 to July 31, 2022 the consultation on the Passenger Name Records Act (PNRA) was conducted. At its meeting on 15 May 2024, the Federal Council adopted the dispatch on the Passenger Name Records Act and forwarded it to Parliament.

Anschlag in Wien


In recent years, Europe has been shaken repeatedly by terrorist attacks motivated by jihadism or right-wing extremism. According to the Federal Intelligence Service (FIS), the terrorist threat in Europe, including Switzerland, remains acute.
