Country of Origin Information (COI)

Current, factual, and impartial information on the countries of origin of asylum seekers is crucial to accurately assessing the prevailing situation in these countries. Moreover, such information is indispensable to ensure that decisions be taken on sound and fair knowledge of current events. Country Analysis – a service at the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) – gathers, analyzes, and makes this kind of information available. Country Analysis also produces a wide range of publications of its own, often in cooperation with its international partners.

The expertise of Country Analysis reports by the SEM provides information on general facts, examines the political, economical, and human rights situation, and offers an in-depth view on gender-based issues and health care in countries of origin.

In choosing sources, analyzing information gathered from these sources, and preparing information for publication, Country Analysis follows international standards of quality, and findings are documented in keeping with scientific practice. Utmost transparency in reporting is an overriding goal.

(Country Analysis drafts its reports in one language only.)


Asia and Mideast

Sri Lanka

Europe and CIS

Last modification 19.12.2024

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