Bilateral dialogues on migration


Cooperation with countries of origin and transit is essential in order to successfully control migratory movements. Switzerland has adopted an approach based on partnership. In recent years, it has developed instruments that enable it to pursue its own interests in relation to migration while still taking account of the interests of its partner countries.

While cooperation can be formalised by concluding international treaties, and the dialogue on migration is the most informal form of bilateral cooperation on migration, the migration partnership remains the most comprehensive approach.


The bilateral dialogue on migration is an informal but structured exchange between two states about their respective bilateral interests in migration and is therefore a crucial instrument in Swiss foreign policy on migration. It allows national interests to be discussed and regularly forms the basis for more extensive formalised cooperation. It can range in form from an irregular to an institutionalised dialogue, and may involve regular meetings of experts under the terms of an agreement. Switzerland is currently holding dialogues with around thirty countries, including Algeria, China, India and Mongolia.

Last modification 24.04.2021

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