The term "Sans-Papiers" describes foreigners who enter Switzerland (with or without a visa, depending on the requirements for their country of origin) and remain in the country although the legal duration of their stay has expired. It therefore describes people who are not authorised to stay in the country.
The term "Sans-Papier" does not mean that these people do not possess identity or travel documents.
(These documents are not available in English)
Sans-Papiers in der Schweiz 2015 (PDF, 621 kB, 13.07.2020)
Studie von B,S,S Volkswirtschaftliche Beratung, Dezember 2015
Leben als Sans-Papiers in der Schweiz. Entwicklungen 2000-2010
Studie der Eidgenössischen Migrationskommission EKM, 2010
Sans Papiers in der Schweiz: Arbeitsmarkt, nicht Asylpolitik ist entscheidend (PDF, 569 kB, 27.09.2010)
Studie von gfs.bern im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Migration, April 2005
Last modification 10.11.2018