«Inter-agency cooperation among the national authorities in each Member State which are responsible for border control or for other tasks carried out at the border, as well as between authorities responsible for return in each Member State, including the regular exchange of information through existing information exchange tools, including, where appropriate, cooperation with national bodies in charge of protecting fundamental rights»
(Art. 3, para. 1, let. e Regulation (EU) 2019/1896 on the European Border and Coast Guard)
Strategic objectives of IBM strategy III and measures
Standard measures |
Measures | Authorities | Related objectives |
Project launch | Project completion |
e1a | Awareness-raising of the Swiss Conference of Public Prosecutors: The border management authorities are to raise awareness among their control bodies for cantonal law enforcement; the Swiss Conference of Public Prosecutors are to inform their members about the border management authorities’ concerns. |
GS CSPP | Q2 2024 | Q4 2024 | |
e1b | National anti-migrant smuggling strategy: fedpol is to work with the relevant partners to develop a national strategy/action plan to combat migrant smuggling (to be adopted by the Federal Council/CCJPD along the lines of the NAP on human trafficking). |
fedpol | Q3 2024 | Q2 2026 | |
e1c | Migrant smuggling report: fedpol is to prepare a report with the title ‘Commercial migrant smuggling and Switzerland’ (follow-up report to the 2014 fedpol report). |
fedpol | Q1 2024 | Q4 2024 | |
e1d | National Expert Group against Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling (NEGEM): Include the topic of human trafficking and the associated awareness-raising as an agenda item in the meetings of the National Expert Group against Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling (NEGEM). |
fedpol | 2024 | 2028/29 | |
e1e | Nation Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking: The 2023-27 NAP to combat human trafficking is to be implemented by 2027. |
fedpol Partners mentioned in the Action Plan |
2023 | Q4 2027 |
Key measures |
PGH-2 reFRONT report |
Stronger Border Steering Group: The CCJPD and federal authorities are to create a joint body that has the appropriate powers and budget to define and monitor operational standards and joint coordination processes in border control (e.g. ‘Swiss evaluation’ along the lines of the Schengen Evaluation). |
PGH-4 reFRONT report |
External responsibility and internal competence: Link responsibility towards external actors (e.g. Frontex, EU) with the competence to manage the border control authorities internally. |
Standard measures | |||||
Measures | Authorities | Related objectives |
Project launch |
Project completion | |
Further measures may result from reFRONT. |
Key measures | |
PGH-1 reFRONT report |
Harmonisation of core and support processes: Jointly develop standard core and support processes to manage Switzerland's external Schengen borders. |
PGH-5 reFRONT report |
Central offices recommended at the expert level: Create the central offices recommended at the expert level (Schengen Competence Centre / training; Border Control Competence Centre / processes, infrastructure, technology; Swiss Risk Analysis Centre / risk analysis). |
Standard measures | |||||
Measures | Authorities | Related objectives |
Project launch | Project completion | |
Further measures may result from reFRONT. |
Completed measure | |||||
Strategy | Related objectives | Authorities |
Project launch | Project completion | |
reFRONT: |
IBM-II | SEM (+ Cantonal and federal border control authorities) |
01.04.2020 | 24.02.2023 | |
Funding (review of incentives for implementing the 2027 IBM Action Plan): |
IBM-II | SEM (+ Cantonal and federal border control authorities) |
24.11.2021 | 31.12.2022 |
Last modification 29.04.2024